All I know is this is painful and ridiculous and honestly I am emotionally overdone
I am up and down and nothing really changes…only periodically.
You still “love” me in limits and even when time is permitting – you still LIMIT it as make sure not to rock your boat at home and her….because I believe at some level you really have been going home and showing love and affection because you do not really want it over with her.
I am sick about us – this – broken hearted again – you got a call and made sure you left promptly and then you promised to see me in the morning and completely “Forgot” “Oveslept” or whatever…..
Priority not = back burner yes
I am hurt beyond words..and although I love you I cant do this anymore.
My heart has been hurt too much and I cant
We should just call this what it is - over.
Work on your life and we will end this now in order to salvage what is left of my soul and I hope I can be whole again...over time I believe I will be.
Save your marriage and go in peace my friend.
Love you now and forever.
Remember me....
Maybe in 8 more years time and circumstances will change...wishing you love and above all happiness in your lifes journey.
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