Saturday, January 5, 2013

Soul Mates

Your beautiful tired blue eyes
Your hair disheveled and mouth closed looking at me
Your face unshaven for weeks brushes against my cheek and somehow I feel peace in your presence
Your hands smell like metal your lips dry from working so hard you haven't had a glass of water in hours but I approach you and hope I quench your thirsty heart
I drive up to your place of work on a cold afternoon and when you open the door to my car warmth fills the surroundings
Loves bond, souls belief and I realize that everything before you is illusionary to what my soul feels in your presence
I wonder how the stain on your white shirt and the pants which have been worn for days affects my superficial mind in no way
Because your eyes see into me and nothing else matters
You see into me as if all the centuries past were of a moment ago and I know you as if decades never past
Somehow in your eyes I see the part of me in which I have been missing and I am me again in full form
My second half
My twin soul has found me in this world of billions
And I can look to the heavens and say I can rest in peace knowing we have found what many search for
and I fear no death
My love saved me in this incarnation and will again afterlife

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are amazing i love you in this life and the next msm