Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thank you for your love

Never give up
On your dreams On us...
Our love is light and stars and moonlight
however to see this light we have known the dark side and shadows in the bliss
Dark days and some of the darkest  nights try to tell Me turn around and go back go back
To fear the unknown but in the unknown there is absolute knowing absolute truth that has opened our hearts that we can not go back
This love is real and worth exploring the love that many have never felt or dared to dream and you and I have the hearts path connected to walk soul in soul and face the darkness and our light will lead the way
Thank you love for believing in our love and reminding me of your heart that loves me unlike you have ever loved another
In that alone you give me strength  to face the darkest hour
And believe in us
I love you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for you i love you completely absolutely love love