Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Demise

I know you get busy - too busy to respond.
Life has you running in circles or you just dont care to bond
This break and separation ails me minute to minute
This life of mine I am living feels incomplete without you in it
Its obsessive its madness and  crazy love struck sick
Why in all the world was it you that my heart decided to pick
You call me on occasion and limit your words and time
Although in the beginning you assured me your heart was mine
You share a bed with another and I barely can speak her name
As I think of you with her puts me in a sense of shame
You tell me so sincerely that your love for me is more than real
Than why are you still sharing a home with her and ignoring how I feel
This is my demise, and I need to erase you from my mind
Because you are not fighting for us like I do everytime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fight every day i live i a empty home is sucks i need sometime for me im tired i have so many people i have to keep happy as im dying inside