Sunday, May 13, 2012

No End

No End
I ask myself what just happened
What was that all about, the motions, emotions, convictions and inflictions that just occurred on my soul?
You use me mentally, physically and emotionally
I come home with a headfull of you
Why I wanna cry
How can you drop me off and expect me to be completely sane
My heart my soul my brain
are so severely twisted I cant see right from left
I am here just feeling whats left
Thanks for the screw, heartache the pain
You have turned my sanity to crazy insane
My body hurts
My heart is in two
My soul is twisted
All around you
Where'd you go
Leave me a stray
You come in like love
But only betray
I've done it before
You'll do it again
You keep on hurting me
And call me a friend
"I love you,
my first love,
my only love
my true love"
Yet you break me
Fake me
Dont even sake my emotion
You pretend there is devotion
Its all mixed emotions
I'll cry again
You'll lie again
And I'll try again
There is no end

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