Thursday, August 8, 2013


Half of me doesn't even care but the other half is PMSing and wants to say wow 8 days and no initiatin to conta t me it was all me every time except once when you got in a fight with "lovely" and Amd texted don't text me Real nice.... I hope you had a good time and that's why I left you alone for a couple days But you.... Atoll didn't make any initiation to show what you say or say anything here or there Glad you had a good time I know where i stand Welcome home LLL Ha In shouldn't post but I will but will probably delete before you even see it Maybe Cuz it just doesn't mean as my has it DID to me Sad I was in Florida and found Time to contact you every chance I could Actions are powerful words are beautiful but in t It all the actions speak louder than words Hope u had a great time I love you and always wish you the best Sincerely no matter how scorned I may feel Take care LLL

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