Love Reign Supreme
Amazing how time has passed and now any time passing without you feels like an eternity.
I ponder our existence and connection deeply influencing our life decisions....questioning our current positions.
Is it that we loved one so intensely that the one love bonds us? Or have we loved as well in past lives that we now need to correct all that was done lifetimes ago?
My soul is alive feeling something that inspires me to delve into the unknown... To take chances and feel childlike again with innocence of loving full heartedly without fearing a broken soul.
But the reality sets in, and this life we built.. Foundations set .., and contentment and routine now own us.
How do we take back our life and be as we are to be in this journey ?
Search our souls to grow as they are meant to rather than live ambivalently as so many do.
The rules of society own us... Their judgements... The fear of the unknown entangles us so that to be truly happy or in the quest for that happiness is disregarded as pipe dreams and not encouraged... All because of the what if s... But what If we don't follow our hearts and another 16 years pass?? And what if we don't smile the same ? What if we never feel what we are meant to feel together? What if our hearts die every day and inspiration and faith are things of the past. What are we teaching our children? That what excites us then and passion driven is not attainable? That traveling the road less traveled will not bring great discoveries? That what we desire…all of us desire ... The one thing that is life's driving force... Love ...ultimate love... Is not as good as stability?
What if we let this pass us by? What if the chance is never to be had again in this life? What if the lives we are really destroying is us? Our souls...
Love reign supreme